Your Humor Resources Director
Certified Speaking Professional (CSP)
Who the heck is Jeff Justice and Why Does His Humor Work?
Jeff is a funny speaker with great content who has been featured in articles in: Time Magazine, Newsweek, Competitive Edge, The Daily News, TV Guide, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta Business Chronicle and many, many more.
This professional speaker has combined a degree in communications from Florida St. University and a career as a top stand-up comedian and improvisational actor to develop programs that are high in content and big on laughs.
Motivational Humorist, Jeff Justice, CSP is also the president and founder of “Jeff Justice’s Comedy Workshoppe”, the largest and most successful school for stand-up comedy in the country. His graduates include many business leaders including zillionaire Charles Brewer, founder of Mindspring, Sara Blakley, founder and president of Spanks as well as most of the top professional speakers in Georgia. (Read Atlanta Journal Constitution article pdf).
Under the heading of Presentation Skills Training Jeff offers Humor Coaching for humor-challanged business people. He guarantees he can help anyone become a humorous to funny speaker. Not only will he help you add humor to your stories and presentations, but will hone your delivery to make it as powerful as possible. Jeff specializes in making unfunny people, hilarious and heard!
His seven humorous books have sold over 100,000 copies. His latest “Laugh More, Stress Less…(and avoid getting burned out)” will keep you laughing and empower you to deal with the daily onslaught of stress in your life by employing your sense of humor.
Appropriate humor is a vital management tool. Jeff believes that if you’re trying to manage others without using humor then you’re like the guy who cuts the grass at the cemetery. You have a lot of people underneath you but no one’s paying attention!
Jeff learned at an early age that you can’t laugh and be angry at the same time. He discovered that if he could make his older brothers laugh they would stop giving him “Noogies”.
He has an uncanny ability to help others tap into humor as a resource for improving human interaction and individual effectiveness in the workplace. Any way you serve him up, Jeff’s brand of “applied humor” is
THE HUMOR Resources for any company looking to enhance the effectiveness of its people.
This hilarious Motivational Humorist and Emcee, brings his corporate brand of humor to entertain and lighten the intense nature of business.
Today, Fortune 500 companies across the country call on Jeff’s caring brand of “applied humor” to maximize their human resource: engaging their employees, improving performance, and developing leaders. As Humor Resources Director, Jeff has spent the last seventeen years applying his unique brand of work-appropriate humor as a professional speaker, humor-skills teacher and humor coach to positively impact human interaction in the workplace.
Certified Speaking Professional
Jeff is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) as recognized by the National Speaker’s Association. Less than seven percent of speakers in the known universe have achieved this earned recognition. His innovative programs on appropriate humor in the workplace have been featured on CNN and CNBC.
From management retreats and employee meetings to annual conventions and awards banquets, companies and associations turn to Jeff to engage their participants with big laughs and great ideas.